Feel Energized & Healthy
Life Is Too Short For Fatigue
You’re capable of so much more.
Are You Experiencing:
A "Healthy Food" Could Be The Cause
We Understand How It Feels To Struggle With Fatigue, Mind Fog & Pain...
Here's How It Works

Yep, it’s that simple. It only takes 3-minutes a day.

Amy S.I absolutely love that I found your info as I've thought for years that I must be eating the wrong foods for me but had no way of finding which ones!! ...Thanks and I'm excited!"
Getting Started Is Easy

Barbara M.GuideDogData has helped me so very much! Yes, I used to keep a food diary... and forget some things... or a day. Now I'm committed to doing this morning and night. A pattern is emerging and there's hope to see specific triggers... there's hope. For once, there's hope we might find the root of this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - and gut.”
Albuquerque, NM USA
The "Energy Upgrade Tool" Is For...

We understand how it feels to struggle with energy issues and how hard it is to be your best when you don’t feel your best. We’ve been there. When you feel your best, you feel energized to get more done. You look and feel healthy. You sleep better and have less aches and pains. The people around you respect you more and treat you better. The truth is it’s not your fault that you’ve tried and failed to get this handled and you keep getting derailed. The process is broken. That’s all. You simply need a better way.
That’s why we created this revolutionary tool that's guided by how you FEEL. It helps uncover the root of the problem and provides ongoing insights as you walk this journey of healing.
Click To See More...The tool is revolutionary because it’s guided by what matters most... how you FEEL each day. While pills try to boost energy or numb symptoms, we believe it’s infinitely more powerful to find the root of the problem and stop triggers before they begin.
The tool draws its results directly from your everyday life. Hundreds of people like you have been through the process to gain more energy and to feel better. But, how do you know what’s at the root of your fatigue or issue? The answer is to get the tool and let it sort it out for you.
The Energy Upgrade Tool was created by Ed Toups. For two decades he has studied the impact food has had on his body. After culling through over 23,000 days of data from people all over the world, he confirmed what holistic practitioners have been saying for millennia -- food plays a starring role in how you FEEL and how your body PERFORMS. Which seems obvious doesn’t it?
But Ed took it a step further. In the data he discovered everyone has a "master good-to-bad food list". Until now that list was impossible to get. Your master list contains every food you eat. Each food falls somewhere on a spectrum ordered from good to bad. Your master list is unique to you since it’s based on how each food makes YOU feel and perform. Do you see how this is different?

That’s why food labeled "healthy" or "junk food", blood tests and popular diets fall short. They are not tailored to your unique biochemistry. Your trigger food is like poison to your body. It’s food science. Make sense?
Ed isn’t a researcher in an ivory tower. The tool was created to help him with his own energy levels and health challenges. It resulted in him finding his own trigger foods and transforming the way he feels. Since then people from around the world have increased their energy levels, lowered their brain fog and improved "mystery ailments" no one could seem to solve.
How it works. The Energy Upgrade Tool (we affectionately call Rex) is simple to use:
1. Tell Rex which ailments you’d like to solve. Choose fatigue, headaches, digestive issues or pick from dozens of others linked to food.
2. Tell Rex how you feel and what you eat. You can do this from any phone, pad or desktop with internet access. This means you can use Rex while standing in the grocery line or while watching Netflix. It takes about three minutes each day.
3. Get your results. Rex keeps track of everything for you. As he learns more and more about what you ate and how it made you feel, you’ll begin to get your master list. Every 21 days Rex analyzes your data. He updates your master good to bad food lists based on what he learns. He provides ongoing insights as you walk this journey of healing.
Pain is not "normal". Low energy is not "normal". When your body is out of balance you FEEL fatigue and pain, right? You can try to ignore it but you know the longer your body is out of balance the worse you feel and the more long term damage done.
Once you know the foods that make you feel bad, your body will begin to heal. You recover faster. You’ll begin to feel and look healthy and energized. Your friends and family will notice the difference. People who feel great win in life. Get your risk free Energy Upgrade Tool today. Why? Because nobody will know how much you can bring to the world until you feel your best.
Not Ready?
extraordinary energy, vitality and focus.

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What Is Fatigue Costing You?
How much is low energy, lack of focus and pain costing you? How much has it cost your career and income? How much long term damage is happening to your body each day you don’t get this handled? How much harm has come to your relationships because you’re not always able to be your best self? How many of life’s awesome little moments have you missed because you were too tired or couldn’t be there? Life is unfair. We understand how you feel. Fatigue and pain may already be costing you a great deal.